Subtracting Decimals (Elementary)

Directions: Using the digits 1 to 9 at most one time each, fill in the boxes to make the smallest (or largest) difference.


What number does each box represent?


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Source: Robert Kaplinsky

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  1. My fourth grade students came up with 0.14 is the smallest difference. This could be achieved by a few different ways. However, the tenths and hundredths had to be ___.12 – ___.98

    • That’s what we got too!

    • But you can’t use 0s, you can only use whole number digits 1-9.

      • Rudolf Österreicher

        In the boxes you can only use the digits 1-9, but the result has no restrictions: It can have any digits, any number of digits and can have digits that were already used in the 6 boxes pictured.

        If the result also had to abide by the same rules, the image would be something like ▢.▢▢ – ▢.▢▢ = ▢.▢▢. In that case, the answer for the smallest difference would be 7.83 – 6.59 = 1.24 and the largest difference would be 9.36 – 1.52 = 7.84

    • the awnser is 1.23-2.45

  2. We thought about negative numbers. My class came up with -9.36 if you consider negative numbers.

    • I’m rethinking our logic now. The smallest difference would mean show two numbers that are as close as possible on a number line.

  3. My fifth graders also got .14 as the smallest difference, but we did it using the digits 1-9. Both 4.12-3.98 and 5.12-4.98 can give you this result.

    They also figured 9.87-1.23 = 8.64 as the largest difference.

  4. My 4/5th grade students also got 0.14 several ways using _.12-_.98= 0.14. We did not use negative numbers.

  5. 1.3 -0.42 =.98

  6. wroung on 2.9-1.8=1.1

  7. Rudolf Österreicher

    Greatest result: 9.87 – 1.23 = 8.64
    Smallest positive result: 7.12 – 6.98 = 0.14
    Greatest negative result: 6.98 – 7.12 = –0.14
    Smallest result: 1.23 – 9.87 = –8.64

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