Rounding Decimals

Directions: Using the digits 1 to 6 at most one time each, fill in the boxes to make the largest (or smallest) number that rounds to 5.


What number needs to go in the ones place?


largest: 5.46321
smallest: 4.51236

Source: Annie Forest

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  1. Great! Thanks for this great exercise for students!

  2. For Smallest I got 1.23456
    -Mrs.Davis class-Jamie.c

  3. Doesn’t 5.46321 round to 5 OR 6? (because it would be 5.5)

  4. My students loved this!

  5. Hi guys do you know where a gum gum fruit is

  6. Also zoro did you get lost again

  7. Guys i just got ejected from dance school I feel World War III comin on

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