Multi-Digit Multiplication 2

Directions: Using the digits 0 to 9 at most one time each, place a digit in each box to create a true equation with the greatest possible product.


What two-digit numbers would be too low/high that when multiplied together would not make a three-digit product?


The greatest possible product found so far is 54 x 18 which equals 972 but there may be one even greater. Let us know in the comments what you find.

Source: Robert Kaplinsky

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  1. We found a higher product. 78 x 12 = 936

  2. I found a higher product. 78 x 96 = 7488

  3. My student and I found 18 x 54 =972 oh yea! We loved this one!

  4. i fond a higher number 50 x 18=950

  5. We found 74×13=962

  6. We found a solution of 83X12=996

  7. Our class at FLEXSchool also got 972 = 18 x 54

  8. Our class at FLEXSCHOOL got 972 = 18 x 54 again, the very next period.

  9. my amazing other class at FLEXSCHOOL also got 972 = 18 x 54 again, the very next period. sO HAHAHA INTERNET!

  10. 68 x 14 = 952 —- solved by one of my 5th grade students

  11. 78×12=936 and I loves it very fun

  12. You used 3 eights and your product was a 4 digit number. It was supposed to be a 3 digit number.

  13. 52 x 18 = 936

  14. This is so fun! I gave this to my students for a Friday Fun Challenge and these are the answers that we got without repeating digits…

  15. Mrs. Beatch's Grade 5s

    68 x 14 = 952

  16. My fifth graders found 78 x 12 = 936

  17. Ms. Smiths Kindergarten class

    Nice problem but my kindergarteners found 68 x 14 = 952

  18. 5th grade students found: 98×10=980

  19. We did the same

  20. there is one greater 97 x 86 + 8342 or 98 x 76 + 8342

  21. We got 83×12=996

  22. 20 x 49 = 980
    98 x 10 = 980

  23. We discovered that 34 x 29 = 986 🙂

  24. 12 x 83 = 996

  25. Rudolf Österreicher

    54 x 18 = 972 is the greatest possible result.
    12 x 38 = 456 is the lowest possible result.

  26. the answer that we got was 82X11=902

  27. I found 99 times 9l which is 9801

  28. 87×96=8352

  29. 50 x 50 is pretty easy, lol

  30. Hi, my after school academic club took on the challenge of beating your answer, and they did! They found 98 x 10 = 980 which beats the score. Nice work kids!

  31. I found that (it doesn’t end in the hundreds, but it is bigger than yours) 97 x 86 = 8,342

  32. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Thank you for teaching me.

  33. 96 x 87 = 8,352 ( I did this like 2 min after the one that went to 8,342 )

  34. (I mostly was just figuring stuff out)

  35. (I mostly just was figuring stuff out)

  36. ( I was trying to figure out how to get a bigger number)

  37. 33 times 30 = 990

  38. 12×83=996

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