Directions: Fill in the blanks with digits to make the answer closer to 200 than 300.
What is one number that is closer to 200 than 300?
How can you get that number?
How can you keep track of your trials and answers so you can share them?
How might you organize your trials and answers to help you think about other solutions?
What is one solution?
What other solutions can you find?
How many possible solutions are there?
How many possible solutions if you can’t use a digit more than once?
How can you get that number?
How can you keep track of your trials and answers so you can share them?
How might you organize your trials and answers to help you think about other solutions?
What is one solution?
What other solutions can you find?
How many possible solutions are there?
How many possible solutions if you can’t use a digit more than once?
There are many possible answers. E.g. 432 – 199 = 233.
If digits can be repeated, there are 1225 possible ways.
If digits CANNOT be repeated, there are 700 possible ways.
If digits can be repeated, there are 1225 possible ways.
If digits CANNOT be repeated, there are 700 possible ways.
Source: Marilyn Burns and Graham Fletcher
This helps a lot!
YES and it be 400-199 = 201 >:b
I like this question!
I also found an answer. It is 408-162=246.
1. 430 – 196 = 234
2. A. 431 – 199 = 232
B. 430 – 191 = 239
C. 428 – 198 = 230
D. 425 – 197 = 228
E. 427 – 193 = 234
3. I got 1225 possible ways as my answer.
4. I got 749 ways to not use repeated digits as my answer.
I found differrent ways Mukul!
I am surprised at how many solutions there are to the problem!1225 when you can repeat the numbers and 749 when you can’t repeat the numbers.
It can also be any rounded number rounded to 200 or less. 0-249 are good numbers to solve. The hint helps.
With using 0-9 only once my student and I got 401-198= 203.
but you used the digit 1 twice.
400 – 175 = 225
400 and 199

Love math
The answer is E. G. 432-199=233
It is 401-199=202 it think
really helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, it is 432-199=233
this is hard
210 is closer is to 200
no! I would say 201 is closer
4 Cookies
what do we do
400-199 is the closesd solution to 200
There are many possible answers. E.g. 432 – 199 = 233.
If digits can be repeated, there are 1225 possible ways.
If digits CANNOT be repeated, there are 700 possible ways.
I like that there are so many possible answers. I went with the lowest number I could make with the 4 and the highest number I could make with the 1 .
412-182 = 230
Regrouping in the tens place
thank you very much it helped a lot
