Directions: Use four of these dominoes to form a square with the same number of dots on each side.

What is the largest sum you can make?
What is the smallest sum you can make?
What is the smallest sum you can make?
There are two known answers, one where the sum or each side is equal to 13.

Here’s another where the sum of each side is equal to 14.
Source: Joshua Nelson
We solved the domino puzzle and got a sum of 14 on each side. We don’t think 11 or 12 are possible. Can you explain?
My first grade student also solved each side for the total of 14.
You are correct, 11 and 12 are not possible. But those are the possible solutions to the other Domino Window task if your students what to give it a try! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
im in 4th grade and i got confused
You are correct, 11 and 12 are not possible. But those are the possible solutions to the other Domino Window task if your students want to give it a try! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
Its 14
I came up with 13 and 14.
I got 13 and 14
I got 13 and 14