Directions: Use the digits 1 to 9, at most one time each, to make a sum with the greatest possible value.

How do you place digits so the sum is less than ten?
The least possible value is 1.2 and you can get it using many combinations of digits including:
5.2 + 4.6 = 9.8
3.1 + 6.7 = 9.8
2.5 + 7.3 = 9.8
5.2 + 4.6 = 9.8
3.1 + 6.7 = 9.8
2.5 + 7.3 = 9.8
Source: Owen Kaplinsky and Robert Kaplinsky
The ‘least possible value is 1.2’ and you can get it using many combinations of digits including:
5.2 + 4.6 = 9.8
3.1 + 6.7 = 9.8
2.5 + 7.3 = 9.8
I think this should read:
The greatest possible value is 9.8 and you can get it using many combinations of digits including:
5.2 + 4.6 = 9.8
3.1 + 6.7 = 9.8
2.5 + 7.3 = 9.8
I agree!
Other solutions:
5.6 + 4.2 = 9.8
6.1 + 3.7 = 9.8
4.7 + 5.1 = 9.8
5.7 + 4.1 = 9.8
2.3 + 7.5 = 9.8
I thought you were suppose to add 1.9 +1.9 and i got 3.8.
This is so hard!!!!!
ig ot 6.7 + 3.1
The least possible value is 1.2 and you can get it using many combinations of digits including:
5.2 + 4.6 = 9.8
3.1 + 6.7 = 9.8
2.5 + 7.3 = 9.8
The least possible value is 1.2
400 solutions to the equation, 8 of which have the greatest possible sum, 9.8:
2.3 + 7.5 = 9.8
2.5 + 7.3 = 9.8
3.1 + 6.7 = 9.8
3.7 + 6.1 = 9.8
4.1 + 5.7 = 9.8
4.2 + 5.6 = 9.8
4.6 + 5.2 = 9.8
4.7 + 5.1 = 9.8
The lowest possible sum is 3.9, as the result of the two equations:
2.4 + 1.5 = 3.9
2.5 + 1.4 = 3.9
*200 solutions, because the other 200 just have the addends swapped.