Directions: Using the digits 0-9, at most one time each, fill in the boxes to make the statement true:

What does complementary or supplementary mean?
Answers can vary, one possible solution is:
04 + 86 = 90
123 + 57 = 180
04 + 86 = 90
123 + 57 = 180
Source: Bryan Anderson
This can be an amazing warm up full of conjectures. Here’s a video of my class going HAM on this.
Might check the spelling of complementary in the title
Good catch!
The provided solution doesn’t work, as zero is shown twice in the first line.
You don’t actually use the 90 and 180 for the boxes, so those numbers don’t count.
03 + 87 = 90
124 + 56 = 180
It doesrnt have to start with a zero it just looks nicer that way.